12 de março de 2013

Espólio de Michael Jackson desmente parceria com o musical "Forever King Of Pop" em nota aos fãs brasileiros

O Espólio de Michael Jackson emitiu hoje uma nota oficial dizendo que o tributo "Forever King Of Pop", que chega ao Brasil nos próximos dias, com apoio de Joseph Jackson, não é um tributo autorizado. 
Na publicação, afirmam que o único show avalizado pelo Espólio até  o momento  foi "Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour by Cirque du Soleil".

Confira abaixo a nota:
We have become aware of a production –Forever King of Pop – that was announced last week. We are advised that the promoters for this show held a press conference last week which was attended by Joe Jackson to announce show dates and it has been reported that, during that press conference, it was stated that “Forever King Of Pop is the only musical about the star supported by The Jackson Family Foundation” and identified the foundation as “the foundation of the Estate of the Jackson Family”. We want to make sure that The Michael Jackson fans in Brazil know that “Forever King Of Pop” is NOT authorized by The Estate of Michael Jackson and that The Jackson Family Foundation has NO connection to The Estate of Michael Jackson. We want you to know that the only production created with the support of The Estate of Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour by Cirque Du Soleil, which is continuing to tour countries all around the world.

Fonte: MJ Beats/michaeljackson.com